Looking back at my life, I find it is a continuous series of moments full of Grace! Not a single moment of my life has been devoid of Grace, but there have been times when I have failed to acknowledge or feel this, due to my own shortsightedness. I have several instances where blessings came in disguise, which I did not recognise.  It was only later I have realized they were such potent gifts. Let me share one such instance.

The year was 1992. My father was discussing my marriage proposal with my family. In the way arranged marriages work in my culture, my Dad was telling us about the educational background and job security of the prospective groom. Everything about the boy seemed perfect to my father. Yet, I was very apprehensive as he was not associated with the Nirankari Mission, with which I had grown up and felt so fulfilled by. “Father”, I said, “I am not going to get married to a Non-Nirankari”. The family tried to pacify me saying that they will speak to the boy about it and then decide.

When the boy was told about my attachment to the Mission and whether he has any issues with my attending Oneness Satsangs after the marriage, he was belligerent. On hearing the questions, his first reaction was, “I don’t believe in all this! There is so much fraud going on in the name of religion.  I don’t want to be forced into something that I don’t believe”. I was glad to see that it was not working out. But then a turn of events surprised me – he was quick to add, “If your daughter believes in it, I don’t mind. I can even accompany her to the place of Satsang, as long as I am not forced to join or enroll”. Given this reassurance, and so much else about the match that was agreeable, my parents consented. Somehow, I was still very apprehensive. After all, if I was inhibited from staying connected to what I have loved all my life, how would I manage?   

I told my parents, “I agree to the marriage proposal, but only if my Guru, Baba Hardev ji approves of this alliance and blesses me during his forthcoming visit to Mumbai”. After all, it was the most crucial decision of my life! To my dismay, the spiritual tour of Mumbai was cancelled. As pressed by the groom’s family, the date for the marriage was fixed. The day when both the families had planned to shop collectively for wedding attire, I did not go along and kept praying that taking note of my displeasure, the marriage may yet be called off. But that did not happen.

With only 20 days left for the ceremonies, my elder brother asked me, “Are you not happy with the marriage”? I broke down and told him how I wished Babaji had approved the alliance. He paused and said, “Don’t you know that Satguru is not a body but the Divine Knowledge, which is all-pervading? Satguru is always with us, everywhere and at all moments in form of Nirankar – the formless”.

I felt strengthened by these words.  I understood that I had limited blessings to a physical meeting and face to face conversation with my Guru.  I had forgotten my Guru’s teaching, that I can access every spiritual blessing through direct communion with Nirankar. Together with my brother, we sat in meditative ‘Simran’, seeking guidance for all to be well.

Within a few days, one of Babaji’s beloved Saints, Rev. Nirmal Joshi visited Mumbai.  As a noted philosopher and spiritually wise man, he had a special aura and influence. I had an opportunity to meet him at the home of a devotee in a township called Dadar. The hosts mentioned my forthcoming marriage to Joshi Ji, saying “Please bless Aruna, who is going to be wed soon”.  I could not hold back the tears in my eyes, upon seeing which Joshi ji responded, “Dear daughter, I hear you are getting married. This is a happy occasion, so why are you crying?”.  My answer came, “The boy is from a Non-Nirankari family”. Hearing this Joshi ji laughed, adding, “What do you mean by Non-Nirankari? Is it that this boy and his family are out of the boundary of the All- pervading Formless Nirankar?”. I meekly submitted, “There is nothing outside of Nirankar. The entire creation is in Nirankar”. Hearing this Joshi ji added, “Then, dear child, don’t you think the term Non-Nirankari is baseless and irrelevant?” Joshi ji’s advice reaffirmed what I had been advised by my brother. It was as if Babaji himself had come to guide me.

Finally, the marriage took place on 12th May 1992. At an opportune moment, my father handed over a piece of paper to my husband with the addresses of Centres for Oneness in the Mumbai area, together with details as to when Oneness Satsangs took place. As promised, my husband dutifully took me to the Satsangs. At times, I would return tired from my work at the office, only to see a pile of housework ahead of me. I would tell my husband, let us skip the congregation today. He would reply, “We can do the housework together later, and if need be also eat-out.  I don’t wish for you to miss the Satsang”. He would take me for worship, even though he would stand outside waiting for me until ceremonies had concluded. This went on for 2 weeks. Once, on our way back to home from the Satsang, he said, “Standing outside the Oneness Gathering, I hear the speakers and singers who keep talking about ‘Gyan’. What is this Gyan?”. I was pleasantly surprised by his question, and the fact that whilst he had never taken a seat, he was listening just aswell as anyone else. Fearing that I may not be able to explain to him the meaning of Gyan, or the questions that may follow in respect of the philosophy of the Mission, I was evasive in response, saying, “Let’s talk about it at some other time.”

The very next day, we had a visit scheduled to my parent’s home. Incidentally, my elder brother happened to be at home. As a “Gyan Pracharak” (someone authorized by Babaji to share Gyan – the awareness of the all-pervading) I made my husband’s curiosity known to him. Speaking with my husband, my brother asked, “Do you wish to experience the all-pervading, almighty and formless? My husband replied, “Who would not? But is it really possible?” To this my brother said, “Yes – it is very much possible by the Grace of a contemporary Spiritual Master”. My husband received the blessing of Gyan that very evening. Overwhelmed by the revelation, he exclaimed, “Thank-you, for what I have experienced directly tonight confirms all that I have ever read or heard about the Divine!  What I had read about in the scriptures, I had longed to know”.

Incidentally, the much awaited news of Babaji’s tour to Mumbai was announced! The day Babaji was to arrive at Mumbai, both my husband and I were returning home from work by motorcycle. To my surprise, I saw Volunteers queued up near Sion railway station and was sure that Babaji would pass this way. I requested my husband to stop the vehicle, so that we may wait at the roadside for Babaji’s ‘Darshan’ (a glimpse of our Guru). Within a couple of minutes, the convoy arrived and slowed down. I was ecstatic and desperately tried to figure out in which vehicle Babaji was seated so that I could see him. Just then, Babaji rolled down his car’s window and waved to both of us, smiling. I too waved back, jumping with sheer joy. It was the first time my husband witnessed the euphoric scenes that have always greeted the arrival of HH. Speaking excitedly my husband said, “Babaji was waving to you. Does he know you personally?”. Tears rolled down from my eyes, and I said, “Yes, he knows you too. He knows everybody. He knows everything”. Thank You Babaji.

– Aruna Yadhav, Mumbai, India


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