Blissful Intuition

Blissful Intuition: A comparative study of Chiropractic Science and Spirituality

After having spent many years with a fellow-student in school, you may get a feeling or an experience of his well-being. Not having heard from him since graduation, he comes to mind for some unknown reasons. Not only that, a colleague that has never been in contact, all of sudden calls you. The greeting in Indian culture for such a person, absent for a long time, is, “how wonderful, you’re going to live a very long life!”. Similarly, you may get an inkling or feeling that something good or bad is going to happen in the near future, and then it actually happens. These two examples – the sudden workings – are deeply embedded within us. We call them intuition.

A real intuition can’t be wrong. It doesn’t consist of believing in dogmatic rituals, but knowing it directly within your heart, without doubting its existence. It is never interpreted blindly but is supported by logic and reasoning. Every human being possesses this capability, but it remains unknown until we see it for ourselves. Many books and courses have been prescribed to students in school, but nothing can compare to the lesson that is genuinely rooted within our own sixth sense and experience. There are three levels in the awakening of blissful intuition that tend to separate mankind.

The First Intuition

Fearful intuition is often experienced as a feeling of anxiety, expressing a hunch that someone or something is dangerous and inflicting pain. Depending on the undeveloped situation, our initial intuition to make a rash decision is caused by NOT KNOWING or fear. But what do we fear?

We are afraid of snakes, ghosts and wild animals because we don’t know what their next move is. Fear can be both good and bad. Discipline teaches us to fear our parents. There is fear of getting a failing grade. In Chiropractic, when a novice, inexperienced doctor is confronted with a risky situation, there is often an experience of a calm-haunting feeling. The doctor at that point has a very important decision to make. He can remain fearful and avoid the situation or he can reconsider and figure out the solution. This is what separates those who remain fearful from those who integrate intuitively. We should always ask ourselves, “have I missed something here? How flexible am I being in my approach to the patient’s diagnosis?”. At this point we are taught in school to use algorithmic reasoning to reach our conclusion, but with experience this can be coupled with intuitive reasoning. So in this situation there is only one way to get out of the fearful situation. Take that leap of faith!

In the Nirankari Mission, it is important we take that leap of faith. Many religions speak of being God-fearing. This is the main difference between religion and spirituality. Where religions follow rites and rituals, they tend to focus more so upon what the words say, with less emphasis on putting them into action. Spirituality doesn’t require us to be God-fearing, but God-loving. Why should we be afraid of God? If Nirankar gives us love, shouldn’t we love back? When we know God, then we know not to fear God, but to have Faith. This is when we make our transition from a fearful intuition to a faithful one.

The Second Intuition

Faithful intuition is the next and second step to bliss. I would like to call it the a-ha moment. This is the moment Chiropractors figure out the first diagnosis, render our first treatment, and finally learn the ultimate lesson of why we were meant to be healthcare providers. This faith eventually builds as we see more patients; our confidence grows. However, it is important that we continue to practice faithfully so that we continue to build our intuition. In Spirituality it works the same way.

The Third Intuition (Blissful Intuition)

The moment we receive God-Knowledge (Brahm Gyan) and make that leap of faith, we must make sure to never forget God and always remember his heart-felt gratitude. The more we practice our teachings, the closer we become to realizing our true potential. This is the final and third stage called Blissful Intuition.

Once we reach a state of blissful intuition it is important that we continue to learn, as Chiropractic is a form of practice. The human mind can be distracted by ego, hatred and intolerance and we must always secure the connection with our blissful intuition.

Intuition is developed though meditation. The more you meditate the further you deviate from ego and hatred. Spiritually-advanced souls use their blissful intuition in everything they do, and thus accomplish the seemingly impossible. Many people meditate until they feel a sense of peace but unfortunately bounce back into the real world. As Chiropractors, we are taught that the body is treated through emotional, physical, and chemical distresses. Take the time to meditate before any activity so you feel peace at work. Understand the inner bless that is bestowed within you. The deepest enjoyment of work and eternal life comes at the time when your intuition has reached its maximum blissful potential. For many, this is still a mystery but by the grace of Her Holiness, we are fortunate enough to continuously deepen our enjoyment and hold on to its affects. May we continue to create positive examples for each other, obtain good habits, and eventually realize our truest potential of blissful intuition

After all the though, “how wonderful – you’re going to live a very long life”, only manifests with a leap of faith and blissful intuition.

           – Dr Sudeep Chawla Boston, US


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