Here in the United States, we have seen a lot of controversial issues of late. Many involve racial and gender inequalities, and the increasing gap between the wealthy and the poor. Frequent encounters between the Caucasian-dominated police officers and African-American suspects have led to a general outrage. It would appear the country has not overcome the tension that was supposedly put to rest by Martin Luther King’s efforts to end segregation.

Recent news has exposed injustice against women. They are either degraded in their work-setting or not getting equal pay as their male counterparts in the same position. What is worse is that numerous cases have been cited where women have been verbally and physically assaulted, or otherwise abused. All of this is happening within the country, while at the same time tension is rising between the U.S.A. and other countries like North Korea, Iran, and Russia.

Despite the technological and economical advancements, one may indeed wonder if this world really is a safe or fair place to live in. Women and people of certain racial backgrounds have made great strides in holding positions that were once reserved exclusively for men or Caucasians, but sadly more often than not their pay does not reflect their efforts. A general idea that seems to be discussed these days is that the middle class is disappearing because the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Should one be fearful that one may take their rights as a human being away based on their skin, language, beliefs, or cultural background? Things were supposed to be getting better for all people on this planet as time passed, yet humankind is still facing issues of discrimination, greed, and selfishness decades and centuries later.

One would assume that because human beings have the ability to analyse critically, they are the kings of all species. Hence, they would have the least fear of losing their lives at the hands of another human being. It is interesting to see an image where the deer, elephants, and birds are roaming in beautiful valleys and plains acting naturally and causing no deliberate destruction to their environment. Compare that to a scene of a town inhabited by humans, which is full of garbage and waste scattered all over. Within that image one sees a chaotic clutter of cars, trains, domestic animals, and people. Is the latter description correlated to an aura created by a highly evolved being? One can imagine such a scenario from mediaeval times, but to fathom such a situation in the modern age is mind-boggling. Will we as human beings ever come to our senses and clean up our act? Or will we remain too focused on the daily rut and the so-called rat race, rather than the long-term goal that benefits all? Selfish motives hurt other human beings whilst at the same time degrading the natural resources this planet has to offer. Do we as human beings want to continue this behaviour, leading to our own destruction?

I have found there are many people in this world trained to think of the main aim of life as accumulating wealth or making life as comfortable as possible. Everyone realizes that they will die one day without taking any of their collected possessions with them, yet accumulating wealth and power seems to be a priority to most. It does not matter whose toes get stepped on or who gets harmed on the way to the top of “Mount Materialism”. Once the person is on the top, certain satisfaction is attained with little remorse, but then what follows that? Is that person able to package all his accolades and ship them to heaven or the afterlife? Many may not be worried about what will happen to them after death. Life was all about luxuries and feeling happy with materialistic things.

At the other extreme, there are people who eke out enough income to live in a small hut and live with the minimum means. Inspite of their limited resources, it is not uncommon for them to be seen treating others with love and respect.  They do believe in something more – a higher power, if you will. They may practice religion, and hope that God will keep a place for them in heaven after death.  Though they have some devotion to God and practice their faith, it would be difficult for them to question the rituals being exercised around them.

There are others still who, regardless of their bank balance or worldly status, realize that there is a greater purpose.  They contemplate a more powerful entity, seeing this as the cause of their very existence.  In their desire to know the creative force of the universe, they seek tirelessly. Beyond all of these dimensions of human existence, there is the realisation of the all-pervading.  Those who have known God, open the gates to a blissful life.

The question is “where do you factor within all this?”. Have you become muddled in the acquisitions or losses of life?  Are you seeking something more than you have found already? Have you figured out your real purpose?  Are you tasting the bliss that life really has to offer?

God – the creative expanse – is the ultimate truth in this universe. He has existed in the past, exists in the present, and will continue to exist into the infinite future. Everything else in this universe is created and then eventually destroyed by His command. When we focus on the beauty of this planet and its ability to sustain life, one cannot argue confidently that all of this formed randomly. There must be an omnipotent force that has created all of this. So, when we talk about the purpose of life, I believe it is connected to realizing this almighty power.

Our identity cannot be this mortal body because it does perish at some point. Therefore, we must identify with the soul which is what gives this body life. Prophets and Scriptures have taught us that the soul is a part of God. This soul can either suffer by going through repeat reincarnations or it can gain eternal salvation by merging with its true source – God. It is this bifurcated pathway that reveals the true purpose of life. Do we get mesmerized by materialism this world has to offer and lose the opportunity to help the soul merge with the Super-soul, or do we realize God and live a life of an enlightened soul that knows its source, thereby achieving permanent union with the origin?

Prophets and Saints have come to this world to guide humankind in discovering the true purpose of life. Some of their listeners were fortunate enough to recognize them and adopt their message, but a majority of people shunned these holy men and women, seeing them as crazy or in some other way to be rejected. History testifies to the fact that many of these Prophets and Sages were tortured, banished or killed.

In order for the purpose of life to be fulfilled, two things must happen initially. One must find a contemporary Master-Guide who can make God known. A Master-Guide who is enlightened can pass this knowledge to others, without discrimination. The only pre-requisite is that a person should seek to know. This thirst for knowledge is infact the second condition, which must prevail if the purpose of life to be realized

Enlightenment is seen as an end point, or culmination of the seekers struggle to know.  Yet the Master-Guide tells us that Enlightenment is just the beginning! It reveals the path, which the disciple must walk upon. The realization of God is like the re-introduction of long lost friends.  Having been reintroduced, many conversations may be enjoyed, and many depths may be explored.  A blissful life becomes possible because the devoted disciple enlarges his sense of acceptance. By associating with the vastness of God, vast qualities flow into our lives.  The realised soul comprehends the finitude of material existence yet does not shun it.  Rather, he utilizes it responsibly to fulfil the worldly duties of taking care of the body, contributing to society, and supporting his family. The disciple moulds his thinking towards a compassionate, humble, and helpful way of being.  Such a person wishes no harm for others, and steps aside from selfish acts.

No matter how grim the situation appears to be in the U.S.A. or in other parts of the world, devotees of the Sant Nirankari Mission gain inspiration to walk a spiritual path, having achieved realization of God through their Master-Guide. Such realization facilitates one’s higher nature, allowing the disciple to become a better human being. This allows for better, more inclusive decision making and choice, which ultimately benefits the planet and humankind as a whole. When the disciple becomes an example of the Master-Guide’s teachings, others are attracted to the message, even if the disciple is economical with his words. As enlightened realization flourishes within and between communities, inequality and discrimination naturally diminishes. This is how the world becomes a better place to live in, one person at a time. Is this not the purpose of life?

– Dr Kanwal Chawla, DDS, FAGD – Fort Myers, Florida, USA


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