Faith & Doubt

Faith was peacefully sleeping…

Doubt entered and shook him awake,

Whatever is the problem Doubt?

How can you sleep for goodness sake?

Doubt began frantically explaining,

How he’d been worried all night…

Faith tried to calm the matter down,

He said, ‘Everything will be alright.’

I’m worried that life will slip me by,

I’m doubtful I’ll ever find peace…

Faith, my whole life I’ve been concerned

These thoughts – they never cease.

What if this and what if that?

Oh Faith, I’m weak and afraid…

How is it that you stay calm?

Faith said, ‘Doubt, have you prayed?’

Prayer lets you connect, commune-

It reminds you of the play writer…

When you accept He knows best,

The burden seems much lighter!

What if it doesn’t feel lighter though?

And what if God doesn’t hear?

The problem doesn’t go away, does it?

I’m sorry but my doubts are not clear!

Faith smiled and said, ‘look I don’t know,

What I know is He always comes through,

Nothing can happen out of His will-

He will always be there for you!’

How can you be so certain my friend?

How can you say so for sure?

Faith said, ‘because no one is greater

No one is more loving or pure.’

But look faith, look; my challenge is huge,

How can I not be worried, afraid?

Faith said, ‘Doubt see, my God is bigger-

Believe in the plans that He’s laid.’

Come rest my friend, leave it to God,

The problem is that you just don’t let go-

Doubt smiled, saying, ‘I need what you have,’

Faith said, “God is here for you bro!”

                       –  Sudhir Kundi, Iver, UK


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