Positive Perspective

Knowledge, we are told, is information, while wisdom (Vivek) is the ability to use that knowledge to make correct judgements, and to take balanced decisions in life. This wisdom is the domain of the wise, who listen with Satguru’s ears, walk with Satguru’s feet, speak with Satguru’s tongue, and act with the grace of Satguru. They are not only positive, but also have the enormous capacity to adapt to situations, however challenging.

I can vividly recall, until the age of 8, as to how poor we were, deprived of even the most basic of requirements. But despite this, my parents would always reassure us by saying, always be thankful to Nirankar, for we have a lot more than others, some of whom don’t even have a roof over their heads. With this attitude we learnt to be very happy with the little that we had.

Such was my parents’ large-heartedness that even with their impoverished state, they would spend the little money they had, ferrying us in a horse-drawn carriage across the state of Punjab, in the early hours of the morning, attending Sangats from village to village. This was their contribution towards creating the much-needed awareness about the Mission.    

All our family savings would go to this monthly trip, which was financially taxing, but always spiritually rewarding. We also managed to get to the Nirankari Samagam in Delhi every year. However, this was only possible by joining the Hoshiarpur Sewadal Band! Their transport arrangements were a little tight, but our excitement was never dampened. After all, we were going to be part of a world spiritual event that would reconstitute the very human condition, filling it to the hilt with divine qualities that heal and redeem.

When I look back and reflect, I realise that life is about perspective – a positive perspective. It is about recognising that our standard of living is not based on what we have, but what we do with it. It is about enjoying the ride of life, experiencing greatness in everything we do.

A positive perspective is about learning to be easy on ourselves, others, and our circumstances. Such an approach always allows us to live more freely, unhindered by the dictates of society. I thank my parents, for instilling these values in me.  None of it would have been possible, without our involvement in the Sant Nirankari Mission.

                                                                                                     – Kavita Nakkra, Huddersfield, UK


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