As you think, so shall you become!

The declaration made by a single human being, has the ability to have significant ramifications for the immediate environment and the environment around them. It is like the ripple effect, which, in turn, has its own impact. It is, therefore, most important that one is able to focus attention on one’s thoughts, and the channels within which these thoughts are directed. Such a focus makes you who you are. Bruce Lee – the legendary Martial Arts Master – describes it as follows: as you think, so shall you become.

Respected Harbans Singhji was a master of channelling energy into those very areas where the Satguru required focus and attention. In aligning his actions with the Satguru’s vision, he was able to transcend the mind and live his life with and within the Formless. In such a disposition, he was always able to lead from the front. 

The mind1 is a piece of machinery, governed by its reservoir of memory – genetic, karmic, physical, conscious etc. It becomes clouded when the individual relinquishes control, allowing it (the mind) to be in charge. For example, the radio, an apparatus, can only function when it is able to receive its signal from the broadcasting station. For the mind2 to function properly, it has to receive its signal from the Almighty, Nirankar. For, it is such a signal that lays down the path to liberation, subsequently giving rise to tranquillity, serenity and peace.

Once such a dawn of consciousness prevails, the individual begins to live life in line with the Satguru’s command3. He follows the path of humanity – i.e. to serve others, rather than be served. It also amounts to living in gratitude, supporting those in need, and revelling in the hue of the Hue-less.

Respected Harbans Singhji achieved exactly that. He was able to subdue his mind to take a back seat, allowing his chittha4, the horse, to lead the cart. Indeed, what the world sees is the cart, but the cart is never before the horse. It is to the contrary. Harbans ji was one accomplished individual whose cart was always pulled by his horse in a manner that was at once gentle but strong.  An obedient and disciplined horse always carries it’s passenger safely home.

Harbans Ji served as a wonderful mentor to countless souls.  He supported others not only in their spiritual lives, but also their family lives and careers.  His guidance will remain of great benefit to us all on the journey to Oneness.  His simple but direct testimony on the path of devotion will shape the thoughts and behaviours of so many, who were privileged to have experienced his company.  He truly modelled a way of dealing with the world through strength of spirit, so as t move beyond mere surviving, to thriving.

Harbans ji indeed achieved an immantled state of being which we all aspire to. As a trail-blazer, he has shown us that a life of liberation is not only possible, but practically achievable too. His whole life, with Mataji’s grace, has been a testament to exactly that.

– Sunny Nirala, London, UK


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