Blessed Relationships

Every challenging moment, a teaching and life-lesson can not only be beautiful, but blessed as well. It all depends on the state of our mind. If we treat both joy and sadness as gifts of the Divine, and remove the ‘I, me and mine’ and replace it with ‘You, thee and thine’, our true nature begins to emerge. But what is this nature?

Spirituality is intimately connected to humanity, which in turn is connected to how we relate to each other.  Strong human relationships necessitate tolerance and forgiveness for others. This is because every person, big or small, rich or poor, upright or evil, has a soul – a soul that connects us with the Super-soul (God). The recognition and the realization of this soul help us to understand that we are all one, irrespective of our manifold outward differences. When the soul comes to the fore, and our cardinal sins are subdued, we begin to treat one and all with love – love that can render the whole world into one, collective family. However, this one global family is only possible when we love God, which, in turn, is only feasible when we love fellow-man.  

The purpose of every relationship is to enhance our life, and allow us to grow. It takes hundreds of unselfish acts to maintain a relationship, but only one harmful word to spoil it! The recent Covid pandemic, though outwardly debilitating, was an ideal opportunity to build family relationships. The fact that more and more time was spent at home, it gave people the precious moments to better understand each other. Mata Sudiksha1 ji put it as follows: May we learn the lessons that this pandemic has taught as a permanent life lesson – the lesson that we should better our relationships with the family.

She2 also reminded us, if we take a look at a relationship that is strained and think to ourselves, it’s alright even if I don’t understand the other person’s viewpoint and vice versa, but that I should keep the relationship on a positive and happy note. I should remember the lovely times we shared together, and move on.

She went on further, Rather than looking at relationships as mother, father, husband, wife, child or acquaintance; we should consider every person as an embodiment of Nirankar and as a divine soul. Indeed, then we shall not speak negative words; our conduct shall also be positive. We must therefore consider every member of the family as a spiritual being, and not speak negatively, lest we feel embarrassed thereafter.

Our relationships can indeed be blessed, if we forge a relationship with Nirankar. Following the Knowledge of God, this is done by enacting the life-lessons passed on by our Guide and Mentor, Satguru Mata Sudiksha ji, who urges us to connect with fellow-souls, not with outward relational roles, be they father, mother, son, uncle, auntie etc.  In so doing, we further the cause of a human life, imbued with spirituality.  

Arush Gautama, Los Angeles, California      


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