Spreading Humanness

I would like to share some thoughts about spreading humanness.  As human beings, we all have a responsibility to work towards unity in diversity, removing hatred and breaking down barriers in the world.

I have been greatly blessed to have been in the presence of Her Holiness Satguru Mata Sudiksha ji, who is actually spreading the message of humanness around the world. My experience of Gyan – God Knowledge – is entirely because of her grace. Indeed, it is to Satguru that we must turn not only for guidance on how to live after the Gyan, but also for inspiration to share the message of Gyan with others.

When I received the Gyan, there were many emotions, the greatest of which was a feeling of being forgiven. Until that moment, I had no idea as to how much I yearned to be forgiven, and how much it would change my life. To be forgiven allows us to forgive others. Alone, on our own, we are not able to change the world. Of course, we first have to start with ourselves, but it is Satguru who shows us how to make that change, which in turn makes a difference in the world. If we are to succeed in establishing unity, succeed in removing hatred and intolerance, succeed in sharing love and compassion, and succeed in embracing diversity of all colours and creeds, then we must begin with sharing the message of the Gyan. For all of this begins with God realization.

To be blessed with God knowledge is to be blessed with a new life – a life full of peace, love, humility, tolerance and understanding. We must be mindful, however, not to keep Satguru’s blessings for ourselves. We must share these blessings with others. Even love is not love until you give it away. To remove hatred and separation, the message of the Gyan must be shared with others so that they too can enjoy the blessings and share them with others in turn.

I am inspired by the stories I have heard of the early days in the 60’s when the Mission was new to the UK. There were just a handful of saints, which have grown today to several thousand devotees around the country. How did this happen? It happened because of their faith in the Gyan and the Satguru, who reveals God to all. They established their faith through the pillars of Satsang, Simran and Sewa. Having adopted these teachings into their lives, they then invited others to share the Gyan with others, through the grace of the Satguru.

They invited people to the Satsang, invited them to receive the Gyan, and shared the bliss they themselves had found. Their hard work and devotion to Nirankar has left us a legacy that we must perpetuate for other generations to experience and share. The work of the Mission is about the welfare of the world, not just us as individuals. It is the most human thing in the world to want to share this bliss with others.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to be involved with people who have only recently received the Gyan, opening up their homes, and inviting others to attend gatherings. I also give them the opportunity to know God. We have been blessed with the company of people from many different faiths and backgrounds – Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, and Pagan. These are people who have attended services and read Scriptures for many years. They say they have truly met God for the first time. This was only possible after having receiving the Gyan, which seemed to have transformed their lives.

The greatest blessing is to bring someone to God. Such a person, in turn, goes out into the world to spread love, peace and forgiveness. This is how we change the world, with loving action. It is not done with protests, not with anger, not with separation or judgement of others, but with sharing the love we have received through God knowledge.

Baba ji likened us to a bird with two wings – one wing represents the Gyan and God knowledge, and the other, action, which is the spreading of the knowledge. And when we use both wings, we fly like an eagle. The message is that we must not only live the teachings of Gyan, but also take action to spread the message to others.

It is my humble prayer that the Gyan reaches around the world.  I also pray that we are all blessed vessels of Nirankar, in a position to make a small contribution towards sharing the message of the Gyan, with the grace of the Satguru. This is the starting point, and what humanness is all about.

-Maggie Fletcher


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