The Sacred Temple

One of life’s greatest questions is what is the purpose of life? It can either strike as an epiphany or manifest itself as existential dread or crisis. Whatever it may be, it can certainly be life-changing. Whether life poses this question in covert ways or puts it forward very openly, each of us has encountered this question. To seek meaning, reason and purpose, our being that constitutes our mind, body and soul must be in harmony. To discover life’s purpose is to search and secure a sound foundation that supports the purpose of life!

Life has rarely been an easy journey for many of us. No matter how different and diverse, our worries and troubles have always challenged us. If the foundation of our life – physical, mental and spiritual – is strong, the path to our true self (i.e. the purpose) ultimately leads us to unite with our Creator (Nirankar).

Body, Mind and Soul

It is not just the functioning on the outside, but the inside as well that matters. The alignment of the mind, body and soul is the key not only for achieving peace and inner bliss, but the realization of our purpose. This is what we call higher consciousness and the awareness of the self.

1. Mind

Can we stop thinking and just become highly conscious? Are we using the mind or is the mind using us? Do we define our thoughts or do our thoughts define us? Our mind, which is a great tool when used correctly, becomes a liability when obsessed with compulsive thinking. Intelligence is often confused with obsessive thinking, which criticises anything and everything. Eckhart Tolle, in his book The Power of Now tells us,

Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don’t realize this because almost everyone is suffering from it, so it is considered normal. This incessant mental noise prevents you from finding that realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from Being.

I am not proposing that our mind is something evil, responsible for all negativity. That would be a terrible idea. The mind is essentially a foundational tool of our being that communicates, gathers, filters and stores information. When we are fed up with overwhelming ideas and distracted with Maya, our sense of self-waver gets lost completely. We become prone to low self-esteem, hopelessness and faithlessness. This leads to a major conflict between the mind and the spirit, hinderingour journey towards the ultimate purpose of life to seek the super-soul, NIRANKAR!

The practice of mindfulness in the form of paced breathing, journaling, and becoming attuned to our thoughts and feelings without unnecessary evaluation, has been proven to quieten the mind. Next time when a troubling thought occurs, let us be the witness, observing the thoughts, instead of judging. Let us be totally present, not 10 mins before or 10 mins after, but in the very precise moment. In so doing, we will notice an unfathomable stillness and inner bliss.

2. Body

Oftentimes, our physiological health is a mirror of our spiritual health. The physical body is a living machine – Nirankar’s design – to serve our soul. It is home to the mind and soul, our sacred temple. Thus, it is important to cherish, take care of, and understand it.

When we let our body act on the desires that give us temporary happiness, we may find satisfaction, but not fulfilment. These desires can be contrary to what the spirit wants. For example, addiction to anything material may well bring temporary pleasure, but it proves to be harmful to the body. This in turn is detrimental to the mind and soul. Excessive and unchecked need to satisfy these desires can seriously damage our health and well-being.

Hence, taking care of our body should not be a hassle, but quite simply a routine. Incorporating the following practices until they become healthy habits can do wonders for our physical health:

  1. Maintaining a good diet
  2. Getting adequate sleep
  3. Staying hydrated throughout the day
  4. Engaging in physical activities such as cycling, jogging or dancing
  5. Engaging in daily Simran (meditation)

3. Soul

Our body is a vessel that contains our soul, which is the very essence of our being. It is our inner guidance system, the medium of connection with Nirankar. We do not have to follow a religion to understand or connect with our soul/spirit. The fact that we have all been bestowed with a soul; it is up to us how we nourish it. We are fortunate enough to have a living Satguru, Mata Sudiksha Ji, who is helping us connect the soul with the super soul.

Connect Deeper

In essence, this is exactly what the purpose of life is. The aim of the Sant Nirankari Mission is to ensure that we are not distracted from such a connection. When building a house, we must lay a solid foundation, followed by structured walls and eventually a roof to lock it in all together. Here, it is the foundation of the house that allows all the rest to have purpose.

The foundation of life, therefore, is simply to create a strong infrastructure that consists of a balanced mind, body and soul. When these three components become one, they amount to a solid foundation. This harmonious and robust balance is derived from the Brahm Gyan.  The supporting walls reinforced by the foundation, are Seva (selfless service), Simran (meditative connection with Nirankar) and Satsang (the fellowship of saints). The roof, which shelters us in every storm is composed of the 5 principles that HH Mata Sudiksha Ji has asked us to follow.  When all these elements come together, it ensures our sacred temple remains perfectly intact.

                                                                                              – Dr Sudeep Chawla, Boston, MA, US


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